Exploring One-North in Singapore

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

Starting your education at ESSEC Asia-Pacific? Use this guide to learn more about the one-north neighborhood! With its sci-fi sounding building names like Chronis, Genome, Galaxis and Solaris, you’d be right if you guessed one-north is the area for high-tech businesses in the region.  one-north was conceptualized back in 1991 as part of the country’s National Technology Plan. It was designed as a hub for R&D, and named to reflect Singapore’s position just one-degree north of the equator. Today, just as the sun’s rays are concentrated on countries near the equator, so businesses from all around the world are converging...

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one-north: A vibrant centre of innovation

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

Being in the right space can help businesses forge fruitful collaborations and accelerate their growth. A prime location and supporting amenities make one-north an exciting workspace. Photos: Ascendas-Singbridge Conceived in the 1990s, one-north was a bold, mixed-development project meant to reposition Singapore as a knowledge economy amid a changing global landscape. Built around industry-focused hubs – such as Biopolis, Fusionopolis and Mediapolis – one-north aims to support the growth of Singapore’s biomedical sciences, infocommunications technology and new media. Since its inception, the 200-hectare one-north district has become a vibrant centre of innovation with a buzzing technopreneur community of venture capitalists, innovators,...

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Where To Go In one-north: The A-Z Guide 03 Jul 2023 • Written by JTC

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

Welcome to one-north, a business park in Singapore developed by JTC. This vibrant hub embodies Singapore’s dedication to innovation and economic growth. With futuristic-looking architecture housing diverse industries, one-north attracts start-ups, multinational corporations,research institutions, and educational facilities. As a lifestyle destination, it offers a seamless blend of work and leisure, creating a conducive environment for forward-thinking enterprises and individuals. Join us on a journey through one-north — alphabet-style — to discover the key facets that make it a unique business and lifestyle hub in Singapore and the region. A. Artificial Intelligence: From autonomous vehicles to a system which detects potholes...

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Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

Background one-north is a 200-hectare (2 sq km) development in Buona Vista planned and developed by JTC Corporation.1 It combines educational institutes, residences and recreational amenities with research facilities to create a “work-live-play-learn” environment.2 The development – named one-north to reflect Singapore’s geographical location one-degree north of the equator – comprises Biopolis, Fusionopolis, Mediapolis, Wessex, one-north Park, Rochester Park, Pixel, Nepal Hill, Vista and JTC LaunchPad @ one-north.3 one-north aims to support the growth of Singapore’s biomedical sciences, infocommunications technology, media, physical sciences and engineering sectors.4  Plans for a science hub at Buona VistaThe Singapore government’s plan for a science hub...

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One Holland Village: Injecting New Life into a Beloved Neighborhood

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

Holland Village, the lively centre of District 10, has always had a special charm. Now, with the introduction of One Holland Village, it’s getting a burst of fresh energy. This new development isn’t just adding more stores and restaurants; it’s revitalizing the whole area. One Holland Village offers a variety of food choices to suit every taste. It’s not only about satisfying people’s appetites; it’s also a pet-friendly place where your furry friends are treated like VIPs. Many restaurants are happy to welcome dogs, and there are even shops with treats and accessories for your pets. Beyond the tempting food,...

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What Does the Future Look Like for Holland Village?

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

by Andre Frois December 20, 2023 For most of us, the mention of Holland Village evokes memories both boisterous and gregarious. Our mouths would water at the thought of eating there. As a central neighbourhood less than 10 minutes from Orchard Road, Holland Village may be an upscale and fairly tranquil neighbourhood by day. But it’s beloved nationwide—to start, its array of acclaimed eateries, ranging from eclectic bars and coffee shops to highly decorated restaurants, along with its famous hawker centre. Once nicknamed ‘the second Orchard Road’, Holland Village has gradually descended from a popular hangout to an underpopulated neighbourhood, frequented...

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Barber Shops: A Trend That Will Not Fade Away

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

By Denise Prichard There’s no denying that the popularity of barber shops has skyrocketed over the last few years. In fact, the cultural resurgence of men getting professionally coiffed is expected to become a $26 billion industry by the year 2020. Forty-four percent of American men (among those who regularly get beauty and grooming services) went to a barber in the past year. Those who aren’t already in on the trend are looking to join. Barber services are one of the top services that men say they’re looking to try next.* And with numbers and momentum like that, barbering has...

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More than a haircut: the barber's role in modern life

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

  Throughout history, the role of the barber has included many things – shaver, hair cutter, surgeon, dentist. In ancient Greece barbers provided manicures for the elite, and in ancient Rome the role of the barber was tied to a young man’s coming of age, as he sat for his first shave. In the middle ages and beyond, the barber was the person you visited for the extraction of teeth and bloodletting. Today, while the call for surgery and tooth removal is reserved for medical professionals, the role of the barber and the barbershop is so much more than simply...

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Inside the Life of Influencer Barbers

Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , History , Origin , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

By Kurtis Lee This article was reported from several cities, including Salt Lake City, Atlanta and San Francisco May 20, 2023 I slide into a cushy leather chair in this bustling shop next to a small flooring business. The hum of clippers echoes throughout the room. Jay Organez swoops a crisp cape across my shoulders and grabs a pick, combing it through my hair as I describe my go-to cut: a little off the top with a shadow fade on the sides. My eyes scan the Northern California shop — 22 chairs in a half circle around the room, some...

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Nicholas Lim发布 | 0条评论 | 标签: barber , barber shop , barbering , barbering history , barbershop , salon , shave , shaving , traditional

一位社会学家,研究“男士沙龙”的种族、阶级和性别动态。 理发店拥有红、白、蓝条纹杆、深色 Naugahyde 椅子和直剃刀,在美国文化中占有特殊的地位。 但数据显示,理发店正在减少。根据人口普查数据,从 1992 年到 2012 年,美国理发店数量减少了 23%(2013 年略有上升)。 作为一名社会学家,我发现理发店很有趣,因为传统上它们也是男人与其他男人共度时光的地方,在没有女人的情况下彼此建立密切的关系。许多顾客甚至每天都会过来与他们的理发师聊天、讨论新闻或下棋。这些地方创建了真正的社区,社区对于健康和福祉很重要。 那么我们该如何解读理发店的衰落呢?根据罗伯特·帕特南在《独自打保龄球》中的说法,这是否是我们的社区关系正在崩溃的又一个迹象?或者我们真的应该看看什么样的男人不再去理发店理发——什么样的男人仍然去理发店? 具有职业倾向的男士 在理发店关门的同时,全国各地的男士沙龙却如雨后春笋般涌现。他们迎合男性,为他们提供高端服务,包括热毛巾面部护理和手部护理(美甲的委婉说法)。它们比一般的理发店或连锁店更贵,拥有时尚的现代装饰,不太适合闲逛和社交。 在我关于这些男士沙龙的书《 塑造阳刚之气》中,发型师将理发店描述为一个正在消失的地方。他们解释说,男士正在寻求一种奢华的美容体验,而理发店——布满灰尘的电视、油毡地板和一堆汽车杂志——无法提供这种体验。 在这些沙龙工作的年轻持证理发师似乎也对老式理发店不再抱有幻想。他们将这些新的男士沙龙视为“男士专用场所”的“复兴”,为客户提供比“肮脏的小理发店”更多的“护理”。一位理发师告诉我,那些留下来的理发店正在通过重新粉刷和添加平板电视来“试图变得更高档”。 当我询问男士沙龙 The Executive 的顾客是否曾在理发店理发时,他们解释说自己不适合该人群。他们说,理发店是为那些头发稀疏的老人或没有什么可打动的小男孩准备的。作为职业白领男士,他们普遍认为自己已经无法再去理发店了。 另一方面,沙龙专注于细致的理发和其他服务——美甲、修脚、染发和身体打蜡——帮助这些男人获得他们认为的“专业”外表。 正如一位名叫吉尔的沙龙客户所解释的: “职业人士……他们知道,如果他们看起来很成功,就会给他们的客户或其他同事留下深刻的印象——他们很聪明,他们知道自己在做什么。” 对某些人来说,理发店仍然很重要 但我采访的沙龙顾客一般都是富裕的白人男性。对于理发店是什么、它能提供什么以及谁可以去那里,他们只提供了一种观点。例如,在我早期对一家小型女性沙龙的研究中,一位男性客户告诉我,理发店是一个不关心自己外表的机械师或“油猴”的地方,也是一个“大男子主义”男人的地方,他们不关心自己的外表。比起沙龙的华丽装饰,我更喜欢一堆《花花公子》杂志。 人们对理发店的态度既是阶级主义的,也是种族主义的。 尽管美国文化对理发店充满怀旧之情,但令人惊讶的是,关于它的学术著作却很少。但值得注意的是,考虑到理发店在男性生活中的重要性的研究通常倾向于关注黑人理发店。街角理发店在黑人社区中蓬勃发展,在黑人的生活中发挥着关键作用。 政治学家兼电视主持人梅丽莎·哈里斯-佩里(Melissa Harris-Perry)在她的著作《 理发店、圣经和赌注》中写道,理发店的日常谈话如何成为黑人政治思想的重要场所。学者们还表明,黑人理发店可以加强社区联系并改善黑人社区的经济,同时充当年轻黑人男孩社交的场所。 为怀旧付出溢价 因此,我们不应该问理发店是否正在消失,而应该问:它们在哪里消失,什么正在取代它们,以及支撑新男士沙龙出现的社会关系是什么? 例如,在一些白人中产阶级化的社区,理发店实际上正在卷土重来。记者托马斯·佩奇·麦克比 (Thomas Page McBee) 在他的文章《文艺复兴时期的理发店对男性的评价》中写道,这些新的理发店主要是为男性提供一种男性气质的场所,而这种男性气质在“过去的美好时光”中应该是不受束缚的。感官愉悦是体验的核心:滑石粉的气味、须后水的清凉感以及剃须杯的位置,帮助男人在传统的男子气概定义不断变化的时代理解作为一个男人的意义。 但这些重新包装的新理发店是有代价的,其理发费用远高于通常的 12 美元——这个价格点将排除大量男性消费者。 因此,在一个怀旧男子气概与新型进步男性之间存在紧张关系的地方,我们很可能会看到社会平等的机会被搁置。毕竟,嬉皮士现象主要是一种白人现象,它采用了白人工人阶级男子气概的象征(想想带有纹身的白色背心或伐木工的格子衬衫),而没有真正放弃阶级特权。 男士沙龙意味着什么? 当我们回到理发店实际上正在消失的社区时——取而代之的是像我书中提到的那样的高端男士沙龙——重要的是要把这些转变放在背景中。 它们并不是过去男子气概文化瓦解的迹象。相反,它们象征着富裕的白人男性气质的转变。过去,理发店是这些男人的去处。如今,虽然旧模式可能在黑人或新兴社区蓬勃发展,但白人职业男性却在其他地方寻求奢华的体验。 他们正在这些新的男士沙龙中建立亲密的关系。但他们并没有沉浸在男性的单一性别社区中,而是经常与女性发型师建立一对一的保密关系。造型师经常将这种亲密感解释为他们工作的一部分。然而,对于有经济能力的白人男性来说,男士沙龙成为他们购买生活中可能缺失的联系感的重要场所。 作者: 克里斯汀·巴伯

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